It's not uncommon for people to contact Chad with various writing questions and topics. Over the years he's found that most of these topics and questions fall into the same categories. He's also discovered his time growing more and more scarce when it comes to having the means to reply with anything truly helpful. It's because of this he's opted to create a page where people can find information that in the very least can help point them in the right direction.

While what's shared is from what he's learned or experienced over the years it isn't the final word on any of these topics. It's also going to be more general in scope; Chad can't speak to every situation directly. And none of what's shared has any guarantee of success. If any opinions are shared they are his alone. You don't have to agree with anything he shares or says, and he doesn't pretend to be an expert on anything either.

Chad Corrie and this website are also not responsible for anything posted on any other websites or resource locations provided as links. And anything listed that's been created by Chad is also copyrighted by him. If you'd like to share the information with others please send them to the page. Otherwise, please contact Chad for his permission before doing anything outside of reading/listening to the material provided.



Please see the contact page for more information about inquiring on the current rights status of any of Chad’s titles and/or IP.

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