Like to drop Chad a line?  Please consult which option best meets your needs and use the related form to ensure your message is properly received. Note response times can and do vary based on the type of requests made, current commitments and deadlines, time of the year, and other factors.   

general inquiries
Event Requests and General Correspondence

This options is for fans looking to connect, folks seeking to request events and appearances, or any other matter not addressed by the other listed options.

Note Chad reserves the right not to respond, especially if any questions asked have already been addressed by the FAQs listing below.

If submitting an event request please consult the following before sending in your missive.

media inquiries
Interviews, Reviews, etc.

Any media requests of any kind (interviews, reviews, requests to use content, pictures/art, etc.) is what this option is all about.  

Please share the name of your news outlet or entity making the request as well as make clear what you’re requesting. 

If someting is epecially in need of a timely reply, please denote so by clicking the checkbox and making a note in your request when you neeed a reply. 

rights inquiries
Motion Picture, Foreign Rights, etc.

Looking to inquiry about rights options for any of Chad’s titles and/or IP? Then this is the option to use.

It covers any and all rights, from publication rights, motion pictures rights, foreign rights, audio rights, toy rights, and any other rights imagainable.

Please make clear when sending your missive what rights you’re inqurying—and for what IP/Title.

Misprints, Typos, Errors, etc.

Have you found a typo, misprint, or some other error in need of correction in one of Chad’s titles? Please send your finding(s) along with the title of the book, page number, and where on the page it’s located and we’ll see about bringing it to the right folks' attention.



Please check the FAQs list before sending an email with the same question. Chad reserves the right not to reply to questions that have already been answered in the following list.

I'm not really in the position nor have the time for looking over any manuscripts. This doesn't mean you can't find some people to give you a fair review such as a local college English or literature professor, as well as swapping the work with other authors for their own critique. Often there is at least one writing group in the area besides the many online who might be willing to share some feedback. In addition, many community centers and/or colleges offer writing workshops or creative writing courses which could not only help hone your skills, but provide an audience for evaluating your work.

The best I can do is refer you to the writer's desk page and steer you in the direction of the Writer's Market and Publisher's Weekly for help in a publisher search. You should be able to find both in your local library (and online) and just about any major book store. For finding agents you can try the Guide to Literary Agents (also in most libraries and bookstores) and AgentQuery for additional listings.

Ideas can and do come in a variety of ways. Sometimes I'll have a scene in my mind that develops into a story. Other times some aspects of the day-to-day life and world blend together into something different and interesting worth pursuing. An occasional "what if" question can also get things rolling. And then there are occasions where I'll engage in an old fashion brainstorming session of just writing down ideas, concepts, and other things that can sometimes congeal into more viable options.

Of course, I'd be amiss if I didn't share I believe God has a huge hand in sending ideas my way and even shaping them in the process of development. And I'd be lying if I didn't give him the credit for the process. I know my own limitations and so anytime I exceed them it's wise to acknowledge it.

Since I was twelve I knew I wanted to be a writer and a creator of things in a larger sense. In time I discovered, much to my delight, that I wasn't too bad at making up stories. It was making them good stories others would want to read that became the ongoing focus. I guess, in a simple sense, I really enjoy creating things and found one of the easiest ways to do this is by creating your own world and having the ability to share events as they occur in it. Since those early days it's developed into an interesting venture I don't see myself departing any time soon.

I enjoy both. Comics allow for more rapid storytelling but longer development times when it comes to art and production. Prose allows for longer, deeper stories but can take longer to write storywise as there's more to them—more description, background information, etc. that's needed. So each has their pros and cons, but I enjoy working in both formats.

Any information I can share on the topic has been shared on the writer's desk page. I have less available time these days to reply to everyone looking for input into their various writing and/or media-related ventures. But what's shared on that page is meant to cover the basics, which is what I tend to get asked 98% of the time with these sorts of questions. So whatever you might be asking mostly likely will be answered there.

You can find a list of any current titles and works in progress posted on the works page. Otherwise new material will be promoted and shared across the social media channels where I've set up camp as well as included in the email newsletter.

You can find a list of any upcoming work posted on the works page. Otherwise new material will be promoted and shared across the social media channels where I've set up camp as well as included in the email newsletter.

Besides prose novels I write comics and graphic novels in addition to short stories and novellas. I also have written work in the YA, sci-fi, and science fantasy genres. You can see the works and worlds pages for more examples and information.


Interested in having Chad take part in your next event? First, make sure there isn't already something scheduled. If there isn't it's helpful if you could please send your request two to three months ahead of time. This helps Chad better prepare and work with his schedule and yours to allow for the best event possible.


Along with the description of your event, please include how many attend or you plan on having attend. In some cases a fee may be required—this based upon the type of event, location, size, duration of event/appearance, and other factors. If a fee would be charged you'd be notified in advance to make sure you still wish to proceed with your original request. And no matter the event Chad's works and/or related merchandise must also be made available at the event for purchase.


If the venue is an hour or more journey (one way) from where he lives, payment for Chad's travel expenses are to be part of the offer. This would be for gas (if he drives), airfare (should he need to fly), and any other expenses so incurred (taxis, shuttle buses, etc.).


Hotel accommodations should also be provided if he is required to stay overnight for the duration of the venue as well as a per diem (or suitable arrangement) for meals.

words and more