Finding that Groove

JUNE 2024


As those of you who follow this website and my social media know, I'm in the midst of a book tour for As the Sparrow Flies. At the time of this writing it's starting to wind down, leaving me to look forward to the next series of events between it and the second tour for Rainier's Legacy. With this tour I've been exploring a few new options and ways to do things, trying to travel lighter and smarter than I have before. And, I think, I've finally gotten into that grove.

It took a few trial and error options but I'm able to go in and out of most stores and events now in one trip and get things set up and taken down in relative ease. Better still, the display has really come into its own. There is an option for smaller venues, medium, and even larger venues that works perfectly with whatever table and space I'm allotted.

All this may not seem like much to some but when you travel a bit and have to pack cars and even luggage it helps to have a routine and knowhow about how much to pack of what. Books can get very heavy rather quickly and you don't want to get overloaded with them nor go too light either. Same goes for postcards, bookmarks, and the like. So to finally find that "sweet spot" wherein you have a nice trip there and back to every venue is a lot to this author—particularly when there is still plenty of year and touring to go for 2024.

This means by the end of the year I should be a pro when it comes to being able to "pack and go" when whatever comes calling. Again, it may not seem like much to some, but the less time spent on things other than the main objective the more time I can focus on all the other issues tied to writing, touring, and promoting books.

Have a great June, everyone!

words and more