wizard king movie



As we begin to close out the month and year I find myself thinking back to some of the memories made throughout the last set of days, thinking of late on the unique opportunity afforded me by way of my publisher, wherein copies of the Wizard King Trilogy (and other titles) were requested for use in a movie that released this year on Paramount+.

This was actually an extended opportunity for the project was suppose to be launched last year but there were challenges with the residual lockdowns and other matters from the year previous when they were filming the project. Even so, it was truly something unique to learn that I was afforded the opportunity.

I say “afforded the opportunity” in that I was never able to get confirmation that the titles were actually used in filming. And if they were I’d really have no idea where in the film they were placed as they could be spined on some shelf or even shoved in some secret cavity barely seen on set, resting somewhere just out of frame, etc. Sure, it would be nice to have a prominent face out of one of the titles (or two), but again, I don’t know what was used, if anything.

Media and movies can be a rather interesting endeavor—where potential outcome and actual outcome usually end up being rather distant cousins of the other rather quickly. That said, it was a fun experience I’m looking forward to enjoying again. This last request came for folks looking to include some local elements from Portland in the movie since that’s where the film was based. But you can certainly read books in any part of the country and just about anywhere too—making it possible for another production company to come knocking…

I won’t be holding my breath any time soon but it’s still enjoyable to look back, reminisce and ponder what may or still could be as we pull back the curtain on this new year. And for those curious to check out the movie themselves you can find a trailer and info here.

And should any of you who watch it catch any Wizard King (and any other titles) peeking out somewhere be sure to drop me a line (and even screen shot). It’d be great knowing something made it into the final cut.

words and more